Inspiring icon of a green dollar bill with a sunrise behind it

Sunny Child Support

Instantly check your child support payments and case balances with Sunny

#1 Child Support App

  • With a 4.8 star App Store rating, Sunny is the top rated app for child support.

  • Trusted by thousands of parents over 100,000 times per month.

  • Payments show up in Sunny days before they hit your card, so Sunny is the earliest way to know your income for the month.

  • No more struggling with frustrating government websites or phone lines just to check your payments. Check your child support info in one tap.

  • Alè Cat ★★★★★

    Love! This app doesn’t do much other than tell you the balance owed as well as show the history of the payments you’ve received. And that works for me!!!!

  • Habibi 86 ★★★★★

    Great. Easy access and very easy to use I love it. Working and managing life is easier, this app is easy to use and quick to get the info I need thank you.

  • Hina ★★★★★

    I love this app!!! It show me my payments and when it’s going to get deposited in my account thank you

Helping parents navigate a broken system

25+ million people

Child support is one of the largest social service programs in America. Nearly 20% of all children are on a child support case, and over 25 million parents and children either pay or receive support.

Struggling to pay

Despite the punitive system, only one third of parents receive all legally owed support each year. Inconsistent payments are the norm.

$100 billion debt

There’s over $100 billion of outstanding child support debt, the majority of which is held by parents below the poverty line. Many thousands of parents have perpetually suspended drivers licenses and destroyed credit as a result.

Navigating alone

Professional legal help is inaccessible for most parents most of the time. Most parents never receive legal help with child support and are left to navigate alone.